Impulse systems

Impulse systems

Soon after the first tests in cosmology that people made, they knew that the jet engines were just not powerful enough for a successful cosmic web of flights. Even though flights of smaller and lighter ships were satisfactory, gathering a serious war fleet equipped with heavy armaments and sufficient shields was practically impossible. After the take of, ships could barely reach 400 meters above sea level. It was most certain that an engine, able to work even in zero gravity must be produced. The Impulse systems were the solution the scientists found. Engines with huge sizes and capacities, which burn Oxygen and Hydrogen, kept in separate tanks. The reaction between these two elements is well-known for the high production of energy. After reaching open space the water steams produced from the reaction are released through the engine's exhaust tips, giving the ship amazing torque.

Impulse systems increase ships' velocity with 20% at every upper level.

Requirements: Science facility(Level 2)Energy systems(Level 1)

Maximal level of the research: 14


12 0004 000600
24 0008 0001 200
38 00016 0002 400
416 00032 0004 800
532 00064 0009 600
664 000128 00019 200
7128 000256 00038 400
8256 000512 00076 800
9512 0001 024 000153 600
101 024 0002 048 000307 200
112 048 0004 096 000614 400
124 000 0008 000 0001 200 000
138 000 00016 000 0002 400 000
1416 000 00032 000 0004 800 000

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