قائد التحالف
قائد التحالف
سيتمكن القائد من عمل رتب مختلفة و اعطائها لاعضاء التحالف.لكل رتبة يمكن اضافة هذه الصلاحيات:
طرد عضو من التحالف(بدون القائد)
ان يكون ترتيبات و يعينها لأعضاء اخرين
ان يعطي ترتيبات لاعضاء اخرين
وضع سياسة التحالف
تعديل معلومات التحالف
اضافة اعضاء جديدة في التحالف
ان يرسل رسائل لجميع اعضاء التحالف في مرة واحدة
ان يدير منتدى التحالفلدى القائد جميع هذه الصلاحيات اوتوماتيكياً. عند وضع قائد على التحالف الفرعي ستكون لديه نفس هذه الصلاحيات.
Clan LeaderEvery Clan has a Leader who has all permissions needed for its management.
When a player creates a Clan, they become its Leader by default. But if the player is inactive for more than 14 days (20 days if Vacation mode is activated) the player from the Clan with the highest Experience automatically becomes its new Leader. The Leader can also transfer the Leadership to a Clan member they have chosen.
The Leader is allowed to create different ranks and give them to chosen Clan members. Each rank can include some (or all) of the following permissions:
To kick Clan members out of the Clan (except the Leader);
To create ranks and assign them to other members;
To give ranks to other Clan members;
To set the Clan's Policy;
To edit the Clan info;
To accept new members in the Clan;
To send mass Messages to all Clan members;
To moderate the Clan forum
The Leader has all these permissions by default. When the Leader creates Sub-Clan they have the same permissions in it. The permissions can be withdrawn only when the Leadership changes.