Hot links are an additional convenience for dedicated players. They give you the opportunity to select different menus that can be reached quickly. Hot links are on the left side of your screen. To manage hotlinks open the “Personal” screen and click on “Hot links”, on the screen that appears you will see 10 pairs of fields. Each pair represents one hot link. In the top field (of the pair) you have to enter the title of the hot link (what text will appear in the hot link menu). In the bottom field you have to enter the desired screen’s URL. Here is a list of screens in the game and the respective URL you’d have to enter:
Nazwa strony | URL |
Podstawowe | |
Planeta | planet.php |
Floty | fleets.php |
Galaktyka | galaxy.php |
Sojusz | alliance.php |
Prywatne | options.php |
Ranking | ranking.php |
Szukaj gracza | advanced_search.php |
Symulator bitew | fleets.php?show=Simulator |
Przegląd planety | overview.php |
Technika | technics.php |
Opcje premium | vip.php |
Platynowe opcje | platinum.php |
Strefa surowców | |
Strefa surowców | zone_resource.php |
Informacje o surowcach | resourceinfo.php |
Strefa przemysłu | |
Strefa przemysłu | zone_industry.php |
Magazyny | resourceInfo.php?show=storages |
Fabryka | factory.php |
Obróbka złomu | recyclingPlant.php |
Centrum handlu | trade_center.php |
Giełda | ship_market.php |
Strefa wojskowa | |
Strefa wojskowa | zone_military.php |
Laboratorium | laboratory.php |
Stocznia (statki) | ships.php |
Stocznia (obrona) | ships.php?show=Defence |
Aukcje | auction.php |
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