The Castle is developed to level 1 by default and can be developed to level 10;Developing this building gives the following bonuses:
Castle lv | clan points per hour | resources production increase | unit training speed increase | knight prestige gain increase |
1 | 0 | 0.0% | 1.0% | 1.0% |
2 | 0 | 1.0% | 2.0% | 3.0% |
3 | 0 | 1.5% | 3.0% | 5.0% |
4 | 0 | 2.0% | 4.0% | 7.0% |
5 | 0 | 2.5% | 5.0% | 9.0% |
6 | 1 | 3.0% | 6.0% | 11.0% |
7 | 3 | 3.5% | 7.0% | 13.0% |
8 | 5 | 4.0% | 8.0% | 15.0% |
9 | 7 | 5.0% | 9.0% | 17.0% |
10 | 10 | 6.0% | 10.0% | 20.0% |
The price, in resources, to develop each level, in a X1 speed world, is :
Castle lvl | Gold | Iron | Wood | Food | Time |
1 | 4100 | 6700 | 5800 | 3900 | 00:39:00 |
2 | 8200 | 13400 | 11600 | 7800 | 01:57:00 |
3 | 14760 | 24120 | 20880 | 14040 | 03:54:00 |
4 | 23616 | 38592 | 33408 | 22464 | 07:01:00 |
5 | 35424 | 57888 | 50112 | 33696 | 11:14:00 |
6 | 49594 | 81043 | 70157 | 47174 | 16:51:00 |
7 | 64472 | 105356 | 91204 | 61327 | 23:35:00 |
8 | 77366 | 126427 | 109445 | 73592 | 30:40:00 |
9 | 85103 | 139070 | 120389 | 80951 | 36:48:00 |
10 | 89358 | 146024 | 126409 | 84999 | 40:29:00 |
The requored buildings for developing each level of the castle are as follows:
Castle lvl | Required Buildings |
1 | No required buildings |
2 | Blacksmith 4 lvl, Marketplace 4lvl Wall 4lvl |
3 | Blacksmith 8 lvl, Marketplace 8lvl Wall 6lvl |
4 | Blacksmith 12lvl, Marketplace 11lvl, Wall 8lvl |
5 | Blacksmith 15lvl, Marketplace 14lvl, Wall 10lvl |
6 | Blacksmith 16lvl, Marketplace 17lvl, Wall 12lvl |
7 | Blacksmith 17lvl, Marketplace 19lvl, Wall 14lvl |
8 | Blacksmith 18lvl, Marketplace 21lvl, Wall 16lvl |
9 | Blacksmith 19lvl, Marketplace 23lvl, Wall 18lvl |
10 | Blacksmith 20lvl, Marketplace 25lvl, Wall 20lvl |
Other function of the Castle is the possibility to hire a knight level 10 in case you have not reached the maximum amount of knights for your account. By using the slider you can determine the amount of simoultaneous attack and support marches that you can send. The options are from 1 to 30;
- Every level reduces the gain of Food by 0.5%
Numărul maxim permis de atacuri + marşuri de susţinere este de asemenea crescut de obiectele eroului şi de bonusul unor naţiuni ( 20% mai multe marşuri decat permitlucrătoriicastelului la nivelul actualla Bizantini,Japonezi,Perşi)Oportunitatea de a angaja o armata din castel este urmatoarea:
Player level | Price | Army |
1-6 | Double resource / 25 coins/ 4 stars | 80% up to 400 Population |
7-12 | Double resource/ 50 coins/ 8 stars | 70% up to 1000 Population |
13-18 | Double resource/ 100 coins/ 17 stars | 60% up to 2000 Population |
19-36 | Double resources/ 200 coins/ 35 stars | 50% up to 4500 Population |
When a Castle's marches level is set, it applies to all the player's Castles.
Number of Attacks and Supports also applies to all the player's Castles.
A player can't reduce the level of their Castle if the player has more active Marches than the desired lower level of the Castle allows.
Mărimea armatei este determinată de numărul de oameni pierduţi în bătălie, ca apărător în ultimile 48 de ore (jucătorul angajează acelaşi tip de unităţi ca cele pe care le-a pierdut).Cand opţiunea este folosită, toate înregistrările cu pierderi sunt şterse.Dacă, castelul este cucerit toate inregistrarile cu pierderile suferite sunt şterse.
Când nivelul tavernei este potrivit acesta se aplica tuturor castelelor jucatorului.
Numarul de atacuri şi de marşuri de susţinere se aplica tuturor castelelor jucatorului.
Un jucător nu poate reduce nivelul tavernei ,daca sunt marşuri active mai multe decât permite nivelul ales.