
Hyperspace is a master science which increases the speed of ships. It is the solution for problems with hypersonic engines. The development of the reactor for hydrogen synthesis hasn't been hard because it has been in everyday use for a long time. But photon engines are a different thing. After lots of experiments with different materials and with different designs, engineers found crystal (combined with metal and gas) to be resistant to high temperatures and at the same time capable of refracting the light rays into the right direction.

Bonus: Each level of Hyperspace increases the speed of all ships by 20% (up to 300% in total)

Max level: level 15


Detailed table - Hyperspace

12 5003 7501 5000:58:00
25 0007 5003 0001:22:22
310 00015 0006 0001:56:57
420 00030 00012 0002:46:04
540 00060 00024 0003:55:49
680 000120 00048 0005:34:52
7160 000240 00096 0007:55:30
8320 000480 000192 00011:15:13
9640 000960 000384 00015:58:49
101 280 0001 920 000768 00022:41:31
112 560 0003 840 0001 536 00032:13:21
125 120 0007 680 0003 072 00045:45:22
1310 240 00015 360 0006 144 00064:58:25
1420 480 00030 720 00012 288 00092:15:45
1540 960 00061 440 00024 576 000131:00:46

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