Critical damage

Critical damage is an ultimate science which gives a chance for ships to do 2 to 2.5 times the regular damage. This science allows your ships to inflict more damage on the battlefield. When a Battle is in its beginning additional damage may give you an edge. Critical damage is from x2 to x2.5 of the standart damage done by your Ships.

Bonus: Gives a chance for ships to inflict 2 to 2.5 times the damage. Each level of Critical damage, between the first and the eight, adds 1% to the chance of critical damage. Levels 9 and 10 add 2%, each. (up to 12% in total)

Max level: level 10


Detailed table - Critical Damage

150 00030 00002:57:31
2100 00060 00004:12:04
3200 000120 00005:57:56
4400 000240 00008:28:16
5800 000480 000012:01:44
61 600 000960 000017:04:52
73 200 0001 920 000024:15:19
86 400 0003 840 000034:26:33
912 800 0007 680 000048:54:30
1025 600 00015 360 000069:26:59

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